Thesis Archive
Reed Theatre end of year party, spring 2022.
Class of 2024
Pride and Prejudice: Austen's Most Gifted Performer Meets Her Most Dedicated Spectator - Molly Brownson (theatre-literature) Divine Beings and Soft Power: How Falun Gong Uses Performance to Gain Political Influence - Evelyn Lewis (theatre-religion) Caring Creation : Centering Survivors in Katy Koop's The Amazing Cunt and Lil' Bitch Take Portland! - Jody Read (directing) "What Say the Citizens?": Media, People, and Publics in Shakespeare's Richard III - Margot Waldman (theatre-literature)
Class of 2023
- “Lean in, Engage, and Maybe Die”: A Critical Analysis of the Haunting World of Horror Theatre - Aaron Berlau (directing)
- Wild Boars Won't Let Me Sleep: A Study of Immersive Theatre - Anna Hendrickson (design)
- Virtual Reality and Theatre: Defining Lenses Through Which to Understand Virtual Reality Theatre and Audience Relationships - Ian Silverman (design)
- "O Fortunate Citizens, Bear Witness": Staging Memory and Performing Spectatorship in Antigone Furiosa - Sizheng Song (puppetry, design)
- Not Another Hideous Progeny: Frankenstein, Adaptation, and the Theatre - William Stevens (directing)
Class of 2022
- The “Theatre Bug”: An Analysis of Contagious Disease in Theatre - James Caponera (theatre history)
- Theatrical Alchemy Against Capitalist Realism - Alice Irvin (devising/directing)
- Designing in Motion: Dreaming Towards an Anticapitalist Scenic Design Practice - Ara Manoogian (design)
- Theatre in the Metaverse - Zoe Watch (design)
- The Language of Tom Stoppard's Arcadia, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love a Spoonful of Jam - Gabe Wilkie-Rogers (theatre criticism)
- "At this point the audience must no longer know what is happening": Postdramatic Memory and the Embodiment of Ambiguous Loss in Marguerite Duras' Savannah Bay (1982-3) - Thalia Wolff (theatre-lit, directing)
Class of 2021
- Approaching the Absurd: A Physical Theatre-Based Acting Methodology for Theatre of the Absurd - Kieran Andrews (acting)
- Rehearsing Reality: An Investigation into Split Discs, Cell Migration, and the Power of Forum Theatre - Eva Licht (theatre/biology)
- "Could you ask as much from any other man?”: Religious Ritual, Musical Theater, and the Cost of Creation - Maria Wilkerson (performance studies)
Class of 2020
- Our Beds Are Islands: Creating Queer Intimacy Through Physical Theatre In The Age Of Streaming Media - Saga Darnell (theatre/dance)
- Physical Theatre As An Approach To Staging Gender - Index Marcus (theatre history and performance studies)
- The Practice Of Being Together: An Investigation Of Audience Participation In The Theatre - Abby Shrader (directing)
- Life As It Is, Not As It Should Be: Stanislavski, Brecht, and their Commensurability through Man of La Mancha - Chris Wolfe (theatre history)
Class of 2019
- The Familiar in a New Way: A Study of Adaptation - Sophie Bolomet (playwriting)
- "Of what use is it to be beautiful?": Costuming the Artificial Body - Emily Brod (costume design)
- Home: An Argument for Radical Intimacy through Food, Installation, and Performance - Juliana Cable (theatre/art)
- The Song Cycle: An Argument for an Interdisciplinary, Evocative, and Postdramatic Theatre - Ryan Gamblin (playwriting/devising)
- What Binds Us: Forsaken Violence Against the Sacred and the Mundane in the Western Theatrical Canon - Joshua J. Golsan (design)
- In the Black Box: Labor, Power, and Structure in Theatrical Production - Jack Jackson (playwriting/devising)
- All These Moments Will Be Lost in Time: A Framework for Understanding Live Cinema - Liam Mitchell (performance studies)
- Transformed and Reborn into New Color, No Longer Blending In: An Exploration of Open Text Playwriting to Redefine the Creative Process - John Mulholland (playwriting)
Class of 2018
- Magic Made Manifest: Using Magical Realist Playwriting to Articulate Space and Place - Alison Fortune (theatre/literature)
- The Secret Life of Puppets: Ritual Aspects of Puppetry - Violet McAfee (design/directing)
- Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Gayer: The Rock Musical as a Reach towards Queer Utopia - Somerset Thompson (playwriting)
- Mysterious, Inchoate, and Out of Sight: the Queer Directorial Process - Xiola Watt-Acciacca (directing)
- Moving Between Nightshade and Sunlight: Transformative and Violent Representations of Disability in Performance and Protest - Autumn Wheeler (performance studies)
Class of 2017
- The Short Play: A Brief Moment in a Radical Structure - Aziza Azfal (playwriting)
- Color's Queer Bent: the Aesthetics of Queer Performance - Ry Burke (design)
- From theater to shining theatre?: Melodrama Audiences, Naturalism, and Napoleon - Michael Wilder Frazel (playwriting)
- Your Play is Charming, but Nobody Can Understand Any of It: Directing "Evittarran" Theatre to Engage Audiences - Jake Gonnella (directing)
- This Must Be the Place: Devising As A Device For Fostering and Fracturing Folklore - Ashlin Hatch (theatre/literature)
- There is Nothing Funnier Than Unhappiness: Balancing Humor with Suffering Using Repetition in Playwriting and the Works of Samuel Beckett - Sean Key-Ketter (playwriting)
- Sueños Americanos: An American Dream Counterhegemonic Narrative Strategies of Queer Performers of Color - Sidra Morgan-Montoya (dance/theatre)
Class of 2016
- Call to Me: An Analysis of Voice Acting in Context and Practice - Laurent Drui (voice acting)
- Gendering Strangers: Why, How, and Why Not - Liz Groombridge (theatre/psychology)
- The Rupture Begins: Breaking Down Sarah Kane's 4.48 Psychosis - Jordan Jozwik (directing)
- Things Weren't Just Things After That: An Analysis of Transgressive Touch in the Plays of Naomi Wallace- Zoe Rosenfeld (directing)
- The Ecological Niche of Theater in Collective Liberation - Kevin Snyder (theatre history)
- Sound Design: A Systems Approach - Alexander Swann (design)
- (Em)Body Utopia: Constructing and Deconstructing the Performance of Patriarchy in Regency Romance - Brianna Walker (devising/design)
- Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story: Racial Transcendence and Racial Transgression in the American Musical - Fiona Wiedermann (performance studies)
Class of 2015
- Listen Well: an examination of the relationship between literary and theatrical narratives through a devised theatrical adaptation of Kevin Brockmeier's "The Year of Silence" - Leah Artenian (directing)
- Who Killed B.B. Homemaker?: Normative and Critical Whiteness in Beyoncé's Music Videos - Willamae Boling (performance studies)
- Indescribably Magic: A Comparison of Theatrical and Filmic Treatments of A Midsummer Night's Dream - Isobel Bradbury (dramatic literature/adaptation)
- Half-Lights and Profound Shadows: Towards A Theatre of Relationships - Meghan Comer (directing)
- To Passion Sorrow Clings: Adaptations of Kieu, The Vietnamese National Poem - Sophia Dunn - Walker(directing/adaptation)
- Here, Now: Immersion and Interactivity in Live Performance Events - Marisa Kanai (scenography)
- A Physical Trust: In Influence of Narrative on Circus Performers' Relationships - Claire Lewis (performance studies)
- Public Bodies, Private Lives: The Development and Contributions of the Early Modern Commedia dell'Arte Actress - Helena Pennington (theatre history)
- Philology Leads to Disaster: The Role of Physical Acting in Absurdist Plays - Gracie Rittenberg (directing)
- Live the Thing: Stanislavski's Psychophysical Technique at Work in the Plays of Eugene Ionesco - Colin Trevor (acting)
Class of 2014
- Gradations of Self: Autobiographical Solo Performance and the Utopian Performative - Corinne Bachaud (solo performance)
- A Play is Not Only So But Also: Aesthetic Immediacy and the Structure of the Dramatic Narrative in the Theatre of Gertrude Stein - Alan Cline (directing)
- Laughter and Liberation in "The Successful Life of 3" by Maria Irene Fornes - Walker Holden (directing)
- Lend Me Your Ears: Audiological Effects on Audience Experience - Jennifer Lindell (sound design)
- Bodies and Boundaries: Set Designs for Slaughter City and The Fever Chart - Deirdre Quirk (set design)
- Salomé/Salome: Representations of Desire in Wilde's Play and Strauss's Opera - Alex Marne Smith (design)
- "For the Sake of Harmony:" An Original Play and an Examination of Representing Consciousness in Theatre - Rebecca Thurber (playwriting)
Class of 2013
- The Rocky Horror No Picture Show - Tristan Nieto (directing); Arion Russell (costume design)
- Shakespeare As We Like It - Lisa Henderson (acting)
- The Suede Jacket by Stanislav Stratiev - Elizabeth Dinkova (directing)
- BRB - Autumn Dobbins (design)
- The House of Bernarda Alba by Federico Garcia Lorca - Andrew Brown (directing)
Class of 2012
- Shakuntala: An Indian Fairytale - Indumathi Manohar (directing)
- On the Ropes: Exploring the Technical Body - Claire Thomforde-Garner (choreography)
- The Fantastical Genderfuck Circus - Erika Irene Kurth (directing)
- One Flea Spare - Kenji Yoshikawa (acting)
Class of 2011
- James Joyce's "The Dead" - Stephen Bennett (acting)
- Proustonomy - Dominic Finocchiaro (directing)
- Horror, or Her Mirror - Rosalie Lowe (directing), Ariana Karp (acting)
- The Glass Menagerie - Morgan Zimmerman (design)
Class of 2010
- The Miss Firecracker Contest - Jessamyn Fitzpatrick (acting)
- I Have Tasted Air Above the Clouds: The Life of a Sibyl - Mic Parker (playwriting/directing)
- Six Billion Utopias: A Collaborative Theater Project on Gender and Mental Health - Taiga Christie (theatre/anthropology)
- Measure for Measure - Allison Rangel (acting)
Class of 2009
- M's Orphanage - Alexandra Dahout
- Stories From the Time of Trees - Cassie Thurston Bianchi
Class of 2008
- Human/Nature - Kate Tarker
- Medea By Seneca - Erin "Pookie" Giblin (directing)
- Little Red Nose in the Hood, Digital Circus Remix - Peter Schroeder (directing/choreography)
Class of 2007
- Light at Night - Stacia Torborg (Playwriting)
- The Tree of Life - Elana McKernan (Playwriting)
- Frege in Space - Dan Dilliplane (Directing)
- The Easiest Way - Alex Gagne-Hawes (Directing)
- The Lover - Lindsay Matteson (Acting)
- Seeing Double
Virginia Stephen: Beneath the Show - Bronwyn North-Reist (Performance)
Pierrot and Moon (The Pierrot of the Minute, Pierrot Dandy and the Moon) - Jonathan Owicki (Performance)
Class of 2006
- The Flower Peddler - Michael Pape (Playwriting/Directing)
- Dirty Water - Devon Granmo (Playwriting)
- 'Tis Pity She's a Whore - Kati Sweaney (Dramaturgy)
- Gallow's Humor - Rowen Haigh (Directing)
Class of 2005
- Gorey Stories - Miranda King (Directing)
- The Actor's Nightmare - Julian Emanuel (Directing)
- The Last Five Years - Josh Roberts (Acting)
- Macbeth - John Russell (Acting)
Class of 2004
- Abzt - Silvia Rousseva (Directing)
- The New Poetry - Sylvia Drake (Directing/Playwriting)
- Catastrophic Conversations with Mr. X - Brendan Regimbal (Directing)
- The Holy Ghost - Brigid Pierce (Playwriting/music composition)
- Gross Generalization - James Ashby (Playwriting)
- Word Salad - Sarah Tomchesson (Directing/Playwriting)
- No More o' This Shit - Wright Cronin (Playwriting)
- Two Birds and a Stone - Mitchell Tribbett (Directing), Kate Piatt-Eckert and Heather Van Zee (Design)
Class of 2003
- 6 Billion Weapons - Jacob Fenston (Playwriting)
- Burials at Sea - Andrea Miller (Playwriting)
- The White Uniform - Stephanie Wood (Acting)
- Funeral Games - Tamara Carroll (Directing)
- Hands Around - Sarah Champ (Design)
- The Betrothed - Rachel Anderson (Directing), Ayelet Arbuckle (Acting)
- The Color of August - Kevin Hodges (Directing)
- Oddville: the Rebirth of Stupidfresh - Elliot Sharron (Playwriting/Acting)
- Hiding Places - Laura Birek (Playwriting)
Class of 2002
- Intersections - Richard Kotulski (Playwriting)
- Sakharov! - Austin Sherris (Playwriting/Directing)
- Endgame - Morgan Spector (Acting), Tyler Sinclair (Directing)
- Disastrous Paris - Rhianna Gordon (Acting)
- Triumph of Love: The Musical - Paul G. Miller (Directing)
- Much Ado 制服巨乳 Nothing - Sarah Gibson (Acting)
- Good Night Desdemona Good Morning Juilet - Anne Michelson
- The Green-eyed Monster - Caleb Jacobs-Smith (Acting)
- Mother Night - Toby Schine (Playwriting/Directing)
Class of 2001
- The House of Yes - Robin Thompson (Acting), Alyssa Santos (Directing)
- Til the Day I Die - Michael Weinberg (Directing)
Class of 2000
- Three Performances by the Idiot Machine - Gavin Kroeber (Design) & Owen Edson (Directing)
- Nativity - Jamie Ashby (Playwriting)
Class of 1999
- Biting My Neighbor - Brooke Rogers (Acting)
- St. Jons Brother - Jonathan Roche (Playwriting / Directing)
- The Baltimore Waltz - Alexis Poledouris (Directing)
- King Strang - Dan Harris (Playwriting / Directing)
- La Vida Es Sueno - Patricia Pancio (Directing)
- Feather Towing - Jessica Blount (Playwriting)
- Travesties - Jesse Baldwin (Directing)
- They're Playing Our Song - Jamie Rea (Acting)
- How I Learned to Drive - Nathan Emmons (Directing)
- Amerika! - Leslie Good (Acting)
Class of 1998
- Advantage of Surprise - Addie Eastman (Playwriting/Directing)
- You're so Smooth, the World's so Rough - Robert Quillen Camp (Playwriting / Directing)
- As An Imperfect Actor - Steven Klems (Acting)
- Polly Honeycomb - Rachel Wier (Design)
- Extemities - Britney Burgess (Directing)
Class of 1997
- Good Woman of Szechwan - Dana Josslin (Directing)
- Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll - Ed Tilghman (Acting)
Class of 1996
- The Bacchae - Joshua Webb (Directing)
- Bein' Green - Anne K. Rasmussen (Playwriting)
- A Mexican Funeral in Paris - Dave Bennet (Playwriting)
- Phaedra - Mary Roberts (Directing)
- Planet Embudo - Terra Nevins-Hassin (Playwriting)
- Shakespeare's Women - Deva Nicole Macdonald (Acting)
- Two Rooms - Kristy Marie Kambanis (Directing)
- Durang Durang - Chris Loza'ch (Design)
- The Cherry Orchard - Myrlin Hermes (Acting)
- Yarima Atafa and the King - Amy Enell (Choreography/Directing)
- Warden of the Tomb - Geoff Spady (Directing)
Class of 1995
- Great Chaos - Alex Rundell (Directing)
- Long Ago - Eun Jung Yi (Directing)
- Coyote Ugly - Oona Kersey (Directing)
- As You Like It - Rebecca Shea (Design)
Class of 1994
- Albert's Bridge - Jeremy Wiener (Directing)
- The Maids - Melanie Zeca (Directing)
- Naropa - Cassy Beekman (Directing)
- Yellow Wallpaper - Robin Gordon (Choreography/Directing)
- Motley - Darcy Salchak (Directing)
Class of 1993
- Chicks - Christine Kolodge (Acting)
- Control - Elise Modrovich (Playwriting/Directing)
- Fronteras - Adriana Troxell (Playwriting/Directing)
- Just Kidding - Daria Eckhardt (Playwriting/Directing)
- A Man Who Fell Out of Bed - Noah Weinreb (Playwriting/Acting)
- Tone Clusters - Elizabeth Stevens (Directing)
- The Wizard of Aids - Kevin Coulson (Directing)
- La Bete - James Weidman (Acting)
- Waiting for Change, You Fat Cow You? - Jennifer M. Dillon (Playwriting/Directing)
- As Women Do - Rachel Carnes (Choreography/Directing)
Class of 1992
- Aversion Antigone - Sophie Haviland (Directing)
- A Life In Theatre - Adam S. Moore (Directing)
- The Chairs - Jule Polk (Directing)
- Glengarry Glen Ross - Ephraim Rosenbaum (Directing)
- Little Shop of Horrors - Randy Gifford (Directing)
- Quartet - Alicia McMillen & Johanna McKeon (Co-Directing & Co-Acting)
- Seduced - Bill Stout (Directing)
- Family Voices - Kay Speilman (Choreography/Directing)
- Bread and Ice Cream - Amy Partridge (Directing)
Class of 1991
- Bloode: Winter in a Hot Climate - Anne Washburn (Playwriting)
- Song and Dance - Althea Gregory (Acting)
- The Water Engine - Tom Jansson (Directing)
- Baby with the Bathwater - Greg Quinlan (Directing)
- Twelfth Night - Leslye Eamon (Design)
- Be What You Should Seem to Be - Tanya Ignacio (Choreography/Directing)
Class of 1990
- Cloud Nine - Sara Ross (Directing)
- Katzelmacher - Jeff Edman (Directing)
Class of 1989
- A Man's a Man - Erin Merritt (Directing)
- Fando and Lis - Lucia Jane Joiner (Directing)
- Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris - Carlton Rounds (Directing)
- Comings and Goings - Chelsea Zephyr (Directing)
Class of 1988
- Waiting For Godot - Jeremy Appleton (Directing)
- The Game - Shannon Dailey (Directing)
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti's Routines - Chela Cadwell (Directing)
Class of 1987
- At the Hawks Well & The Only Jealousy of Emer - Claia Bryja (Directing)
- White High Heels - Brenda "Bryn" Fillers (Playwriting)
- The Overcoat - Gregory Meyer (Directing)
- Home - Conrad Burmester (Design)
Class of 1986
- The Real Inspector Hound - Joel Summerlin (Directing)
- The Unseen Hand - Emily Harris (Directing)
- Tales of Spider Women - Holly O'Neil (Directing)
- Three Policemen - David Ayers (Directing) & Bret Fetzer (Playwriting)
Class of 1985
- The Maids - Lori Gilman (Directing)
- Seascape - Brain Caven (Directing)
- Sticks and Bones - Patrick Hurley (Directing)
Class of 1984
- The Waterfall and A Piece of Monologue - Eric Wiley (Acting)
- Antigone - Doug Goodwin (Directing)
Class of 1983
- The Boor – Max Leventhal (Directing)
- The Physicists - Jill Reinier (Directing)
- The Ride Across Lake Constance - Katie Laris (Directing)
- Letters Home - Mary Dilles (Directing)
- Old Times - Gordon Dahlquist (Directing)
- (Untitled) - Mark Worthington (Directing)
- Tongues & Savage/Love - Eric Walter (Acting)
- ?? – Louise Gignoux
Class of 1982
- Two for the See Saw - Jim Luckett, Jane Titus (Acting)
- Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead - Richard Olmsted (Directing)
Class of 1981
- A Slight Ache - Ron Frank
- The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds - Loren Hoover (Directing)
- Woyzeck - Brown McDonald (Directing)