Performing Ensembles
American Roots Music Ensemble (Mus 103)
Kenji Bunch, Director
0/0.5 credit
Rehearsals: Fridays 2:40-4pm in PAB 320
Reed Orchestra (Mus 104)
Giancarlo Castro, conductor
By audition
Rehearsals: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:40 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., Kaul Auditorium
Open to all members of the Reed community.
For information, contact Monica Ohuchi at
制服巨乳 Chorus (Mus 105)
If you would like more information please contact Shohei Kobayashi (
Treble Voices Ensemble (Mus 106)
Photo by Nina Johnson
Collegium Musicum (Mus 107)
Photo by Nina Johnson
Jazz Ensemble (Mus 108)
By audition
Rehearsals: Mondays 5:00 - 8:00 PM Kaul Auditorium
Contact Monica Ohuchi at with questions.
Chamber Music (Mus 109)
This course is designed to introduce students to chamber music literature, and to learn how to rehearse and perform in small ensembles. Effective chamber music playing requires both individual and group practice time. Chamber groups will coach with outstanding performing professionals.
Chamber Music Instructors
For information, contact Monica Ohuchi at ext 7472, PAB 102).
Current Sounds Collective
This flexible ensemble of 2-10 musicians with open instrumentation will work closely with members of 制服巨乳’s Ensemble in Residence, Portland new music group . Over the course of the semester, participants will prepare selected works of 21st century chamber music for public performance. In addition, students will be encouraged to engage in this ensemble creatively as composer-performers, who may be called upon to compose short works, to collaborate on group compositions, improvise, interpret graphic scores, and incorporate electronic elements into a largely acoustic context. Register for MUS109 (chamber music) and contact Monica Ohuchi ( for more information or questions.
Can I register for lessons or an ensemble if I'm also registered for 4.5 credits?
If you wish to avoid an overload, lessons or ensembles can be taken for 0 credit.
When are the practice rooms open?
The Practice Suite is open 7am-12am daily. Practice Suite access is reserved for students in the music program (registered for lessons, ensembles, music classes), and practice rooms are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students must submit a Practice Agreement Form prior to receiving access to the suite, and adhere to guidelines of the Agreement to retain access through the academic year. For more information, contact Monica Ohuchi (
Does the music department have instruments to loan?
Yes, we have a variety of instruments that can be loaned to students who are in the orchestra or who are taking lessons. For information, contact Monica Ohuchi at
Where can I store my instrument?
Lockers are located on the 3rd floor of the PAB. Large instruments and amplifiers can be stored in large storage rooms. Contact Monica Ohuchi at for lockers or keys to storage rooms.