Senior Theses Titles
Year | Student | Thesis Title | Adviser |
2024 |
Miles Sanford | Do you hear “Talk about” or “Taco Bell”: A Raciolinguisitic View of the Indexical Orders of /l/ Vocalization | Khan |
2024 |
Ian Smith | Split Ergativity and Case Assignment in Yucatecan Mayan Languages | Todorovic |
2024 |
Simon Xu | Perception of Creaky Voice: Effects of Listener Age | Becker |
2024 |
Leo Latimer | Comparing the Production of Word Final Devoicing in German and English | Khan |
2024 |
Holden Curtin | The Syntax of Jiao and Rang and Causative-Passive Ambiguity in Mandarin | Todorovic |
2024 |
Leandra Bruggink | The Effects of Gender and Refusal Strategy on Perception of Refusers | Becker |
2023 |
Eli Franz | Coalescence T-oalescence: Analyzing Fixed Segment Reduplication as Coalescence, and Things of That Nature | Khan |
2023 |
Parker Scarpa | Style, Affect, and Embodied Energy: An Analysis of Pitch and Gesture in Performances of Social Personae | Becker |
2023 |
Anna Farrar | Crosslinguistic Indexical Transfer of the Perception of Rhotics in Beijing Mandarin and Canadian French | Khan |
2023 |
Satchel Petty | Mixed race identity: An acoustic analysis of individuals with one Japanese and one white parent | Khan |
2023 |
Ben Mannheim | An Optimality Theory Analysis of Changting Hakka Tone Sandhi | Pearson |
2023 |
Max Wolf-Valdes | Rapid Prosodic Change in Beginning Spanish Learners | Khan |
2023 |
Odette Jennings | Lone Pine Talk: TRAP-backing and Connection to Place in Rural California | Becker |
2023 |
Nina Beriss | The impact of authenticity-marking menu language on consumer perceptions of “ethnic” restaurants | Pearson |
2023 |
Gwen Tait | The Syntax of Person-Based Split Ergativity in Kham | Pearson |
2023 |
Gloria Herman | Dyke Discourse | Becker |
2023 |
Joray Foster-Wexler | Linguistic Erasure Hertz; a post-binary discussion of F0 performance in read speech | Becker |
2022 |
Montreal William Benesch | /S/tylizing the /s/elf : a first look into the concurrent fluidity of gender and language | Khan |
2022 | Keely Booth | These people, those words : a sociolinguistic analysis of demonstrative determiners in politics | Becker |
2022 | Luna Levin | Native speaker production and acceptance of focus particles and object shift in Mandarin Chinese |
Pearson |
2022 | Hailey Poutiatine | Đara boca andgytt unclyþ : focus and VO-OV order in two old English texts | Pearson |
2022 | Sam Scull | Shona tone depressors | Khan |
2022 | Jie Sheng | Antipassive reflexives in Romance languages | Pearson |
2022 | Gregory Yoshiaki Tanaka |
Where's the emphasis? : an analysis of Russian stress in Russian learners | Khan |
2021 | August Bicket | A Case of Mistaken Identity: An investigation of semantically-motivated argument marking in Meitei | Pearson |
2021 | Andrea Bryant | Beyond they/them: A typology of nonbinary pronoun and agreement innovation | Pearson |
2021 | Sebastian Hogness | BAG/BEG/BAGEL: Beyond the West Coast?: Examining Pre-/g/ Movement and Merger in Arizona, Idaho and Utah | Becker |
2021 | Nalani McFadden | Ghost Ride the Shift: African American English and Low Back Merger Shift in the East San Francisco Bay Area | Becker |
2021 | Nemo Shen | Go small or go big, there is no in-between: Mandarin-English Speakers’ Grammar Preferences in Code-switching | Shen |
2021 | Mary Teaford | Just Saying(s): Discursive Practices and Social Justice in a Humanities 110 Conference | Becker |
2021 | Xiaotian Wang | Diphthongization of Shanghainese /e/ under the Influence of Language Contact with Mandarin | Shen |
2020 | Tiffany Chang | A Mouse Bravely Dancing in the Rain: A Study of Third Tone Sandhi Production Among Asian Mandarin Heritage Speakers | Becker |
2020 | Paul Mitchell | The Null Complement bǎ Construction | Pearson |
2020 | Cecilia Bahls | The low back merger shift in the Olympic Peninsula region of Washington state | Burns |
2020 | Aidan J. Malanoski | Had I'd've known better:"extra" auxiliaries in English conditionals | Pearson |
2020 | Olivia Johnson | Les alumnes Americanes: social factors and gender-fair language engagement | Khan |
2020 | Justice del Castillo | Look Ma, it's hands (and nonmanuals): message-focus in Turkish sign language | Pearson |
2020 | Flora Carey | Does this sound pointy to you?: word memorization through sound-symbolic mappings of tone and segments | Khan |
2020 | Isaac Gray | Acquistion of Russian intonation and Mandarin tone by English-speaking learners | Khan |
2020 | Sophia Ruth Kongshaug | Gaeilge na Rinne past and present: language documentation and preservation in an Irish-speaking area | Burns |
2019 | Lucas Fagen | Nominal reference in Mandarin Chinese | Pearson |
2019 | Arthur Scott Garrison | Not quite Canada, definitely not California: evidence of the low-back-merger shift in Moscow, Idaho | Becker |
2019 | Michaella Véronique Joseph | Afro-Portlandia: a comparison of /ai/ monophthongization between African Americans and second generation Caribbean Americans |
Becker |
2019 | Adrianne Leary | Hast thou not heard?: archaic language use and liturgical culture in the Episcopal church | Becker |
2019 | Manamaya Peterson | The Portlander's guide to back vowel fronting: the participation of women of color in regional variation | Becker |
2019 | Liliana Santos-Vallejo | "Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres": expression of identity through speech in the Chicano community | Khan |
2019 | Mica Grayson Semrau | The pen is mightier than the pin: second dialect acquisition through merger | Khan |
2019 | Oskar Söderberg | Swiping beyond simple sluicing | Pearson |
2019 | M Stoddard | Differential subject marking in Nepali: a study of ergative case assignment on unergative subjects | Pearson |
2019 | Alexandrea Watson | Beirut or Beyrouth: French-oriented identity in Lebanese Arabic | Khan |
2019 | Elaina Wittmer | Talking backwards, hearing forwards: the sound unit in Zezuru Shona |
Khan |
2018 | Yuan Young Chang | It's Gone to Shit, but It Could Be Worse: Constructing Identity Through Linguistic Condemnation | Khan |
2018 | Terra Friedman | Online Catcalls: a Linguistic Form of Sexual Terrorism? | Becker |
2018 | Hunter Gill | Tracing Topicality in Discourse | Pearson |
2018 | Willis Jenks | Age-Based Variation in the Conceptualization of Instant Messaging | Pearson |
2018 | Liam Käch Vargas | Gïs-ing in Amharic: a Study on Foreign Verb Adaptation | Khan |
2018 | Gregor McGee | A Semantic Account of Double Modals | Pearson |
2018 | Samantha Peterson | But We Don't Believe in It: Narrative Analysis of Lesbian Marriage Stories | Becker |
2018 | Ellery Sloane-Barton | Hearing-World Influence on Pro-Drop in ASL: a Variationist Approach to Syntactic and Lexical Differences in Deaf Signers of American Sign Language | Becker |
2018 | Kristin Lifka Sullivan | Grammaticality and Intelligibility of Intonation in Synthetic Speech | Khan |
2018 | Caroline Wright | Why Are We Always the Bad Guys?: Attitudes and Perceptions of Russians in the James Bond Film Goldeneye | Becker |
2018 | Tomu Zhao | Rollin': Chicago Footwork's Subversion of Linguistic Norms | Khan |
2017 | Chase Re Doremus | Parenthood and the Gendered Voice: A comparative acoustic analysis of transgender and cisgender parents' infant-directed speach | Khan |
2017 | Philip Allan Georgis | BCMS Lexical Prosody as a Marker of National Identity in the Former Yugoslavia | Khan |
2017 | Maxwell Harrison Joslyn | Mandarin A-not-A Questions: Surface Patterns and Syntactic Structure | McKinney-Bock |
2017 | Abigail Claire Mosing | Bridging the Gap Between Wh-Movement and Wh-in-Situ Languages: A Cross-Linguistic Investigation of Sluicing and Pseudo-Sluicing | McKinney-Bock |
2017 | Shannon Christine Pearson | Not-So-Split Ergativity: A Reanalysis of Case Licensing in Basque from a Progressive Perspective | McKinney-Bock |
2017 | Molly Rose Worden | Reading the Signs: Listener Perceptions of Emoji | Swan |
2017 | Korina Yoo | Tagalog-English Codeswitching and the Construction of Filipino American Identity | Swan |
2016 | Richard Adcock | Black Language in the New Golden West: African American English in Portland | Becker |
2016 | Sarah Allen | Adjectives and Multiple Modification in Malagasy | Pearson |
2016 | Manon Gilmore | Dislocation in French: Sociolinguistic Character and Discourse-Pragmatic Function | Pearson |
2016 | Miriam Gölz | Since /taim/ Immemorial: An Investigation of Physiological Motivations for the Great Vowel Shift | Gruber |
2016 | Knar Hovakimyan | Eastern Armenian Consonant Clusters | Gruber |
2016 | Sydney Low | Enter the Wonderland: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Role of Orientalism in the Lan Su Chinese Gardens | Becker |
2016 | Isobel Reed | I hella love authenticity : black and white perceptions of San Francisco Bay area slang | Becker |
2016 | Emma Rennie | Functions of the discourse markers so and but in turn-final position | Pearson |
2016 | Arthur Sillers | Speech Variablitity in Multicultural London English as Sociolinguistics Variable | Gruber |
2015 | Kendra Chalkley | Applied asymmetries: Syntax of applicative constructions in Tukang Besi | Pearson |
2015 | Gabriella Chronis | Structural aspects of figurative and literal word senses within a vector space model of semantics | Pearson |
2015 | Frida Cruz | Sound symbolism in SJQ Chatino | Khan |
2015 | Maren Fichter | Social and linguistic taboos in terms for women and their genitalia | Becker |
2015 | Allesandra Geffen | Haitian Creole genesis: Language contact and language creation | Pearson |
2015 | Heather MacFarlane | Professionalization as a method of native language revitalization in Alaska | Becker |
2015 | Yevgeniy Melguy | Hearing across languages: Bilinguals’ perception of (not-so-)non-native stop contrasts | Khan |
2015 | Helen Seay | Connections between second language German competency and national identity in a study abroad context | Becker |
2015 | Molly Waggett | The use of presupposition triggers in improv comedy | Pearson |
2014 | Erin Appleby | “We learn differently”: A sociolinguistic analysis of activists’ discursive construction of the LD identity | Khan |
2014 | Genevieve Medow-Jenkins | Trinidadian English Creole: Uncovering ethnolinguistic variation through an intonational model | Khan |
2014 | Manuel Abreu | Accusative Clitic Doubling in Dominican Spanish | Pearson |
2014 | Anna Aden | Environmental Discourse: How We Talk 制服巨乳 the Environment, and What We’re Really Saying | Zimman |
2014 | Winifred Conrad | Mirativity and Evidentiality in Lhasa Tibetan | Pearson |
2014 | Rena Dimes | The Language of Leading and Following: An Analysis of Dance Partners and Linguistic Accommodation in the Portland, Oregon Blues Dancing Community | Zimman |
2014 | Abby Dufresne | Insubordinate Conduct: Deontic Necessity Modals Hack the System | McKinney-Bock |
2014 | Christina Gremore | Written on the Body: Representations of ‘Non-Standard’ Speech and Embodiment in African-American Fiction | Zimman |
2014 | Esmeralda Herrera | Racializing Gay Speech, Sexualizing African American English: Style and /t/ Release Among Black Gay Men | Zimman |
2014 | Eleanor Kinney | When Sounds Speak for Themselves: An Exploration of Synesthetic Sound Symbolism in Shape and Affect Associations | Khan |
2014 | Molly Krumholz | Sufficiency Beyond the Scale: The Uncivilized Realm of Degree Semantics Across Possible Worlds | McKinney-Bock |
2014 | Merritt Miles | Language and Le Cri: Embodied Identity in the Moroccan Journal Souffles | McKinney-Bock |
2014 | Katina Papadakis | Nasal Spreading in Paraguayan Guaraní: An Acoustic and Aerodynamic Study | Khan |
2014 | Ivan Rivera | Spanish-English Codeswitching at the Aux-V Boundary: A Congruence Study of Grammatical Interaction | McKinney-Bock |
2014 | Brice Roberts | Searching for Stress in Shanghainese Tone Domains | Khan |
2014 | Dean Schmeltz | Effect of Bilingualism on Hyperarticulation in Foreigner-Directed Speech | Khan |
2014 | Gabriele Slaughter | It Is Known: Evidentiality and Mirativity in Tajik Persian | Pearson |
2013 | Rebecca Kleinberg | Structure and Function in Stand-up Comedy | Pearson |
2013 | Jeannie Yoon | Learning the Global Language: Language Ideologies and Cultural Perceptions of Korean English Students | Khan |
2013 | Katelyn Best | Talk to the Hand: Counterevidence to the Language Bioprogram Hypothesis from Nicaraguan Sign Language | Becker |
2013 | Kim Durkin | Computer Input Methods for Languages That Do Not Use the Latin Alphabet | Khan |
2013 | Juan Flores | Lavender Linguistics in the Rose City: A Linguistic Investigation of the Construction of “Top” and “Bottom” Stances by Gay Men in Portland, Oregon | Becker |
2013 | Rosemary Ingham | The Effect of Native Language Formality on Acquisition of Japanese Formality Levels | Khan |
2013 | Haley Jacobson | Blood Makes the Grass Grow: Athletic Communities, Political Bodies; Constructing Salient Linguistic Identities for Female Athletes in an Intellectual Powerhouse | Becker |
2013 | Sara Mulliner | “We’re Born Naked and the Rest is Drag”: A Sociophonetic Investigation of Stylistic Variation in the Speech of an African-American Drag Performer | Khan |
2013 | Sydney Negus | The “Hackey” Rink and the Binghamton “A”: A Study of Dialect Change in Upstate New York | Becker |
2013 | Eugenia Plascencia | Using Psycholinguistics to Investigate the Syntactic Structure of the Dative Alternation in Mexican Spanish | Pearson, Canseco-Gonzalez |
2013 | Ian Strahan | Word Order Variation in Mandarin Directional Complement Constructions | Pearson |
2013 | Daniel Vedensky | Georgian Medial Verb Nominalizations | Pearson |
2012 | Kathleen Aston | Don’t Touch Me With That Tone of Voice: An Investigation into Aspects of Audio-Tactile Integration | Nycz |
2012 | Laura Backus | Mish Mash(i): The Syntax of sh and Negative Polarity Items in Moroccan and Egyptian Arabic | Pearson |
2012 | Jenny Calvert-Warren | Smashing the Gender Binary: Suggestions for Sociolinguistic Research, and Some Acoustic and Perceptual Data | Nycz |
2012 | Elena Fernández Collins | Intonation and Narrative Structure in Sirat Bani Hilal, an Arabic Oral Folk Epic | Becker |
2012 | Courtney Fraser | And I Was Like :( : Emotive Features, Tone, and the Construction of Gender in Instant Messaging | Becker |
2012 | Samantha Grenrock | The Metaphoricity of Nonce Compounds in Contemporary Poetry | Becker |
2012 | Ruth Linehan | Is Upper-brow Raidió Anseo: An Analysis of the Use of English Discourse Markers in Irish-language Radio | Pearson |
2012 | David Mondello | Variation of Primary Stress Placement in Southern East Cree | Pearson |
2012 | Stephen Paulsen | Case and the Causee Argument: A Minimalist Approach | Pearson |
2012 | Sasha Puchalski | To Its Instance: Poetic Orientations in Speech | Nycz |
2012 | Elizabeth Rutledge | Left Behind? African American English and Dialect Bias in Standardized Testing | Becker |
2012 | Nina Umont | Prosodic Features of Narrative-Style Jokes | Nycz |
2012 | Kathryn Wheeler | “iM dA rEaLeSt U WiLL MeeT”: Constructing Black Linguistic Identity on Internet Dating Sites | Becker |
2011 | Makenzie Barron | Exploring the Discourses of Marriage, Monogamy and Mao | Becker |
2011 | Margit Bowler | The Spray/Load Verbal Alternation: Syntax and Subclasses | Pearson |
2011 | Mattias Lehman | The Semantic Underpinnings of Syntactic Subcategorization: A Lexically Decompositional Approach to Distinguishing Classes of Ambitransitives | Pearson |
2011 | Lydda López | Regias and Codeswitching: A Look Into Modern Identities Along the Mexican-American Border | Becker |
2011 | Rachel Mossey | Sext Appeal: Effects of Linguistic Form on Non-Platonic Desire in Text Messaging | Antonyuk-Yudina, Becker |
2011 | JinYoung Park | Microvariation in Ergative Alignment of Lhasa Tibetan and Amdo Tibetan | Pearson |
2011 | Altove Rowley | Characterizing the Cartoon: Dialect, Race, and Gender in Disney | Becker |
2011 | Laura Sard | Emphasis in Moroccan Arabic Loanwords from French | Antonyuk-Yudina, Pearson |
2011 | Samantha Seagaard | Exploring Feminine Gender Construction "Inna Dancehall Style": A Lyrical Analysis of Jamaican Dancehall Music | Becker |
2011 | Anna Seymour | The Prestige of a Californian Bob Dylan: Phonetic Variation in 90's Pop Music | Antonyuk-Yudina, Becker |
2011 | Samuel Shemitz | Extending the Relative Clause Extended Complement Model | Pearson |
2011 | Robin Steitz | To the Tune of the Schizophrenic Mode | Antonyuk-Yudina, Brightman |
2011 | Julia Von Holt | Time and Space in American Sign Language: Examining Iconicity in Aspect Inflections and Temporal Deixis Through a Peircean Lens | Becker |
2011 | Henry White | Villain, Victim, Rescuer: Government According to the President of the United States | Pearson |
2011 | Katherine Wu | Lost in Translation: A Study on the Difference Between Linguistic Relativity and Framing | Antonyuk-Yudina, Pearson |
2010 | Jennifer Hawkins | Retrying Scopes: A Study of Genre in the Revision of the Texas Science Curriculum, 2008-09, Or: How to Fight the Culture Wars | Hibbard, Pearson |
2010 | Lauren Banister | Linguistic Representations of Ideology and Identity in the Context of Creative Communities and Interactive Art | Pearson |
2010 | Tara Barnett | Language is a Life Full of Animals | Hibbard |
2010 | Jordan Frand | The Construction of a Terrorist Attack: A Discourse Analysis of Media Representations of 9/11 and 11-M | Antonyuk-Yudina |
2010 | Matthew Hensley | True North: Programmatic Desiderata for Contact Linguistics Based on Studies of French in Canada | Pearson |
2010 | Sarah Kantrowitz | Rhythm and Synchrony: Mechanisms of Engagement, Collectivity, and Cooperation | Pearson |
2010 | Hilary McMahan | An Application of Piercian Semiotics to Whorfian and Neo-Whorfian Linguistic Relativity | Antonyuk-Yudina |
2010 | Jane Myers | Ropes of Sand: A Semiotic Analysis of Soviet and American Propaganda | Hibbard |
2010 | Amy Vaughan | We Are Legion: The Linguistic Construction of Community on the Internet | Antonyuk-Yudina |
2010 | Gene Wicks | Flirtation as a Genre of Desire in Language | Hibbard |
2010 | Francesca Mucciaccio | "A Gaggle a' Y'ats" and Other Stories: Tracing the Effects of Ideologyon Language Change Through Indexical Formation in Y'at | Brightman |
2010 | Savannah Naffziger | "No One Thinks of Margaret Thatcher as a Sweetheart": Stereotypical Femininity, Psychological Androgyny, and the Language of Female Politicians | Hibbard |
2009 | Lindsey Allen | Iconicity in the Perception of Speech Rhythm | Hibbard |
2009 | Dustin Bowers | Ojibwe Gender and Derivation: A Final Analysis | Sabbagh |
2009 | Peter Farago | To Have and Have Not: Unifying Possession in the Sentential and Nominal Domains | Sabbagh |
2009 | Irina Gladkova | In Her Image: Iconic Modalities Driving Law, Gender, and Cultural Perceptions of Rape | Hibbard |
2009 | Sarah Gould | On the Hive Mind: Explorations in Social Semiotics | Hibbard |
2009 | Wes Hilton | The Status of Remote Past BIN in Standard American English | M. Becker |
2009 | Katherine Judson | The Legal Performative, Race, and the Modern Civil Rights Movement: A Study of the Battle Over Semiotic Production of Identity | Sabbagh |
2009 | Molly Lewis | A Parallel Formulation of Whorfian and Neo-Whorfian Linguistic Relativity | Hibbard |
2009 | Will Pickett | Language and the ‘White Horse’: Two Interpretations of the ‘Gongsun Longzi’ | M. Becker |
2009 | Aviva Raskin | Japanese Women’s Language as a Covert Standard: A Case Study on the Speech of the Gothic-Lolita | Sabbagh |
2008 | Roslyn Burns | Gender Stability in Germanic Languages: An Investigation of Plautdietsch in North America and Ingvaeonic Languages | Pearson |
2008 | Jessica Love-Nichols | “Who Does He Think He’s Kidding?”: A Linguistic Analysis of John Kerry’s Perceived Inauthenticity in the 2004 Presidential Election | Hibbard |
2008 | Sarah Mitteldorf | Where to Find the Missing: Ellipsis, Syntax, Semantics and Context | Pearson |
2008 | Eavan Moore | English and Identity: Native Language, Global Language | Pearson |
2008 | Aurora Paulsen | Resurrecting the Dead: Revisiting Benjamin Lee Whorf's Principle of Linguistic Relativity | Hibbard |
2008 | Erin Price | Evidentiality in Quechua : A Systemic Functional Analysis | Pearson, Hibbard |
2008 | Ke Angie Wang | The Brave and the Boldface: A Study of Prosody in Comic Books | Hibbard |
2008 | Margarett Waterbury | Talk To Me: A Bakhtinian Approach to Addressivity and Dialogism in Political Speech | Hibbard |
2007 | Sahar Baharloo | Words In Space: Is Word a Formal Unit in American Sign Language? | Pearson |
2007 | Susan Barlow | An Alignment Analysis of High Tone Spreading in Shona | Pearson |
2007 | Justin Holguín | The Status of Ergative Case in Basque: A Minimalist Approach | Pearson |
2007 | Meg Biser | “A Mississippi Girl Don't Change Her Ways”: A Linguistic Approach to the Construction of Authenticity in Country Music | Hibbard |
2007 | Nick Callaway | Judeo-Spanish and the Success of the Standard: A Case Study of Language Ideology's Role in Language Shift | Hibbard |
2007 | David Freas | Imitation Thesis | Hibbard |
2006 | Jesse Hallett | Lexical Semantics for Natural Language Processing | Pearson |
2006 | Eliah Hecht | The Syntax and Semantics of Focuser “Like” | Pearson |
2006 | Robert Daly | Language Revitalization and its Socio-Cultural Context: Chinook Jargon | Hibbard |
2006 | Leah Johnston | Sheng and the City | Hibbard |
2006 | Alex Wallace | The Linguistic Construction of Events and the Production of Knowledge: Reported speech and Translation in French Newspaper Reports | Hibbard |
2006 | Aurora Davis | The Function of -mIş in Turkish | Pearson |
2005 | Roshni Gohil | Possessive Constructions and the Morphology and Syntax of Noun Phrases in Turkish | Pearson |
2005 | Laura Jean Long | Non-configurational Word Order in Russian | Pearson |
2005 | Kate Paddock | The Prosodic Structure of Free Verse, Focusing on the Poetry of William Carlos Williams | Pearson |
2005 | Annelise Uhlig | Language Acquisition, Creolization, and the Language Evolution Debate: A Critique of Derek Bickerton's “Proto-language” Hypothesis | Pearson |
2005 | Kirill Shklovsky | Person Marking in Petalcingo Tzeltal | Haviland |
2005 | Meg Mitchell | The Generation of Referring Expressions in Natural Language Processing | Haviland |
2005 | Heather Campbell | Jokoa eta Jolas: Policy Instillation versus Playful Improvisation in the Basque Language Movement | Haviland |
2005 | Mark Evans | Rhythmic Asymmetry | Haviland |
2004 | Rene Acosta | Case Conflation and Case Attrition in Indo-European Languages | Pearson |
2004 | Hannah Lynn | Wh-questions in American Sign Language | Pearson |
2004 | Jessica Coon | Roots and Words in Chol (Mayan): A Distributed Morphology Approach | Aygen |
2004 | Laurel Goldstein | A Presentist Semantics for Tense | Aygen, Hovda |
2004 | Hester Serebrin | Topic, Focus, and Object-Verb Order in Mandarin | Pearson |
2004 | Sarah Coffer | To 'He' or not to 'He': The Linguistic and Social Implications of Gendered Pronouns in English | Aygen |
2003 | Jaiva Larsen | Merge, Move, and Mate: Is Syntax an Evolutionary Epiphenomenon? | Pearson |
2003 | Nicholas Thornton | Performative Differences of Gender in the Prosody of American English Speech | Pearson |
2003 | Richard von Duerckheim | Information Structure in Egyptian Arabic | Pearson |
2003 | Chan MacDonald | Language Planning and Language Policy: Socio-cultural Integration or Hegemony? The Case(s) of the Soviet Union | Haviland |
2003 | Natasha Milenkaya | Stories and Storytellings | Haviland |
2003 | Natalie Tschechaniuk | American Sign Language and Language Status: An Examination of the Conflict | Haviland |
2002 | Chris Flink | A'unaS a't'sexsa nemi' a't'ssiin: Some Topics in the Inflectional Morphology of Sahaptin and Some Topics in Linguistics | Pearson |
2002 |
Andrew Wallace | Indexicality and Syntactic Register Variation in English | Pearson |
2001 |
Ann Clifton |
Nominal constituents and obviation in Tenejapa Tseltal |
2001 |
Mary J. Darin |
Language-dependent domains: information access in Italian-English bilinguals |
2001 |
Timothy Robert Sundell |
Competence, normativity, and the problem of syntactic rule-following |
2001 |
Torah Emmanuel Light Oglander |
Residual effects of morphosyntactic patterning on the observation of chickens : an exploration in linguistic relativity |
2000 |
Luke Barrett |
The "explicable pe" : a new analysis of Coptic verbal morphosyntax | |
2000 |
Alexis Heather Pott |
How many real Mods are there on this 'Modslist'? : the linguistic construction of space in a non-spatial environment |
2000 |
Courtney Stevens |
Waiting for an answer : the effect of TTS voice profiles on children's interspeaker response latencies |
2000 |
Natalie Anne Toogood |
I say schneuzen, you say schnäuzen : why Germans get emotional about orthographical reform |
1999 |
Kathrine S. Bonjour |
A minimalist perspective : the role of universal grammar in child second language acquisition |
1999 |
Lauren Keeler |
Written in the spoken tongue : reforming diglossia in China, 1840-1940 |
1999 |
Gretchen Elisabeth Pfeil |
Posing pairs : speech genre and the construction of participant roles at Praise Chapel "Where everybody's somebody and Jesus is Lord" |
1999 |
Eric Seth Solomon |
Undressing the lieutenant nun : event-related brain potentials in response to gender stereotypes and violations of grammatical gender |
1998 |
Courtney Handman |
Parishioners, pastors and "pulling" the Holy Spirit : creativity and contextualization of sermonic discourse in the Mountain Ok region of Papua New Guinea |
1998 |
Misha Taryn Hutchings |
Membayangkan dan menciptakan persatuan : planning of the Malay language in Southeast Asia |
1998 |
Sarah Strawberry Stafford |
Nominal number marking in Mandarin Chinese and English : a test of linguistic relativity |
1997 |
Akesha L. Baron |
K'opantik Kajvaltik, Let's talk to God: : the importance of prayer in an evangelical Tzotzil community |
1997 |
Trevor A. Goldsmith |
Verbal aspect in English |
1997 |
Michael R. Hamilton |
!Spanglish! : grammatical competence and pragmatic creativity in United States Spanish |
1997 |
Eric Saunder |
Language - an inquiry into the term by way of American sign language |
1996 |
Rose Mary Graves |
The sanskrit locative case |
1996 |
Kasandra Michelle Griffin |
The attachment of spanish nouns to their grammatical gender |
1996 |
Louise Hornby |
The voicing of Ulysses |
1996 |
Jon Kiparsky |
Trouble calamity preposition : on the sanskrit verbal prefix |
1996 |
Stuart Robinson |
The -van antipassive in Tzotzil : a discourse perspective |
1996 |
Katherine Shanks |
Definite reference and second language acquisition |
1995 |
Sarah Wallace |
Coverbs and grammaticalization of categories in Mandarin Chinese |
1995 |
Suzanne Shelden Garren |
Using slips of the tongue to investigate spreading activation and the model's implications for understanding the bilingual linguistic memory system |
1995 |
Jason David Hatfield |
Michif : the genesis and viability of a truly indigenous North American language |
1995 |
Ashley Marie Williams |
Domains and attitudes : a sociolinguistic study of the functions of Shanghaihua and Potonghua in Shanghai |
1994 |
Ian Bruce Rider Gillingham |
You want fries with that? : social motivations of codeswitching in the Dutch province of Friesland |
1994 |
Esteban Gutierrez |
Ijipat yalel tal ta toyol = He was thrown down here from way up high : Ch'enalhó Tzotzil directionals and the description of motion |
1994 |
Chloe Persian Mills |
Jesus is not in the building : the syntax and semantics in New testament Greek |
1993 |
Ellen Crofts |
The pancake falls down onto his head : postpositions to preverbs in Hungarian |
1993 |
Adi Merwan Hastings |
An ocean, verily is the world : mantras and metapragmatics in two South Asian ritual traditions |
1993 |
Daniel Suslak |
Linguistic convergence in Guayabal Zoque |
1992 |
Jared Louis Blank |
The Abstract and the epiphenomenal : A thesis on the philosophy of linguistics |
1992 |
Matthew Pearson |
On the peculiar behaviour of the Swedish s-passive : relation-changing operations and the analysis of multifunctional surface markers |
1992 |
L. Allen Poole |
Not "just a bunch of ducks" : a study of syntactic variation and gender in Cleveland High School seniors |
1992 |
John Worsley |
What's your viewpoint? : A study of lexical and grammatical aspect in Classical Greek |
1989 |
Ted Slupesky |
Deixis and anaphora in the Homeric dialect |