
Community Safety

Division of Student Life

Community Safety Blotter & Activity 

(To view other weekly Blotters and CS activity go here.) 



January 31, 2022 - February 6, 2022

Weekly Activity:

Alarm checks: 11
Animal issue responses: 0
AOD interactions: 0
Building patrols: 138
Candle/incense violation interactions: 0
Community assistance responses: 0
Escorts: 2
Fire responses: 0
Foot patrols: 339
Held door checks: 3 
Maintenance issue responses: 1
Medical assistance responses: 1
Noise complaint responses: 2
Suspicious circumstance responses: 9
Theft reports taken: 0
Unlocks: 63
Vehicle patrols: 220
Vehicle assistance responses: 4
Welfare check responses: 0


Weekly Reports:


Case #: 220027
Date: 2022 01 31
Time: 1046
Description: No Contact Order Violation / Information Only
Location: Campus

Notes: A possible no contact order violation was reported. Evaluation determined that no violation took place.


Case #: 220028 - VOID


Case #: 220029
Date: 2022 02 01
Time: 1310
Description: Damage to Property
Location: Chemistry

Notes: A CSO resuming vehicle patrol accidentally bumped a garbage receptacle with the back bumper of the Subaru, causing a small scratch to the Subaru bumper and no new visible damage to the garbage receptacle. 


Case #: 220030
Date: 2022 02 01
Time: 1330
Description: Fire
Location: Winch/Capehart

Notes: A CSO responded to a fire alarm at a Winch residence. The CSO met with the occupant of the room who stated that they had attempted to use the fireplace in their residence to stay warm. The CSO relayed that per the guidelines regarding igniting fires of any kind in residence halls, most likely any fireplaces in the building had been rendered inoperable. The CSO recommended the student speak to their Area Coordinator if they had further questions regarding the guidelines or fireplace usage, then reset the alarm and cleared from the call. 


Case #: 220031
Date: 2022 02 02
Time: 1553
Description: Information Only
Location: 28 West

Notes: A student arrived at 28 West to report that another student had sold illicit drugs on campus.


Case #: 220032
Date: 2022 02 03
Time: 0843
Description: Theft - Other
Location: North Lot

Notes: A CSO responded to a theft report in the North Lot. Upon arrival, the CSO observed that the vehicle described in the report had its gas tank door open and the gas cap was lying on the ground nearby. When the CSO conducted a detailed inspection of other vehicles in the area, two more vehicles were found to have their gas tank doors open and their gas caps removed. Only one of the three vehicles was registered with Community Safety and that vehicle owner was contacted regarding the tampering and possible removal of the vehicle’s gas. As a result of this incident, all other Reed parking lots were patrolled and it was determined that no other vehicles had been visibly tampered with as far as the CSOs were able to observe. 


Case #: 220033
Date: 2022 02 03
Time: 1644
Description: Harassment
Location: 28 West

Notes: Two students arrived at 28 West to report their harassment by another Reed student. 


Case #: 220034 - VOID


Case #: 220035
Date: 2022 02 04
Time: 0921
Description: Exclusion
Location: Campus

Notes: Administrative action was taken regarding a No Contact Order.  


Case #: 220036
Date: 2022 02 04
Time: 1931
Description: Evidence of Drug Use
Location: Chittick

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered an unattended prescription medication bottle on the picnic table inside the smoke shack between Chittick and Woodbridge. The bottle did not contain any medication, but did appear to contain cannabis residue. The CSO disposed of the bottle and continued on their patrol.


Case #: 220037
Date: 2022 02 04
Time: 2322
Description: Evidence of Drug Use
Location: MacNaughton

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of cannabis use in MacNaughton residence hall. Upon arrival, the CSO encountered the odor of cannabis and met with the reporting party who stated that the use of cannabis inside the residence hall was a common occurrence and that they wished it would not be. The CSO was unable to determine the source of the odor of cannabis use as the odor permeated the entire first floor.  


Case #: 220038
Date: 2022 02 05
Time: 0156
Description: Stegophily, Public Health Behavior
Location: Library

Notes: A CSO on patrol of the library encountered an open window known to provide access to the library roof so the CSO initiated a roof inspection. Once on the roof, the CSO encountered two individuals, one was a Reed student and the other was not. The CSO explained that the library is currently closed to the public due to the college’s COVID restrictions, and access to the roof is restricted. The CSO informed the student that they and their company would need to leave. The student was apologetic and stated that they had just been looking for a quiet place to paint. The student packed up their art supplies and the CSO escorted the Reed student and their friend down off of the roof and out of the library.


Case #: 220039
Date: 2022 02 05
Time: 0514
Description: Unattended Alcohol or Drugs
Location: Russian House

Notes: A CSO ensuring door security while on exterior patrol of the Language houses observed multiple bottles of beer sitting in open view and unattended inside the Russian house common room. When the CSO entered the building to confiscate the unattended alcohol they also observed that a glass pipe containing cannabis residue had been left sitting on the table. The CSO disposed of the remaining alcohol and cannabis, and replaced the pipe back where it had been left. 


Case #: 220040
Date: 2022 02 06
Time: 1353
Description: Damage to Property
Location: Upper North Lot

Notes: A CSO responded to a potential theft in the Upper North Lot. Upon arrival, the CSO met with a student who stated that they feared their catalytic converter had been stolen based on the sound their vehicle made upon ignition. When the CSO looked underneath the vehicle to confirm the removal of the catalytic converter, they observed that the exhaust pipe had been cut but that the catalytic converter was still intact.


Case #: 220041
Date: 2022 02 06
Time: 2133
Description: Medical Transport - Drug/Health Behavior/Use of Force
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: CSOs responded to a report from other students of a student experiencing medical distress. After evaluating the student, the CSOs requested Emergency Medical Services (EMS) for further evaluation and care at a nearby medical facility. The CSOs cleared from the call once American Medical Response had transported the student off of campus.